About CCHA

Formed in 1996 to preserve the area's rich history, the Chisago City Heritage Association (CCHA) is a small non-profit organization of local volunteers who collect, archive and share a growing collection of historical artifacts, media and information about their town and the people who give it character.

The founders were Donna Colberg, Marilyn Mays and Chuck Gramling. Jack Doepke has become active since. CCHA is a non-profit 501 (c)3 and any donations are tax-deductible. 

We are always looking for more photos, postcards, movies and stories of local history.

You can contact us at:

P.O. Box 413   Chisago City, MN 55013
651.257.4950 (Chisago Drug, ask for Chuck Gramling)


From L to R - Charles Gramling, Donna Colberg, Jack Doepke, Don Fredell (Frank Dahl's grandson)